Sunday, December 26, 2010

For Your Listening Pleasure ...

While Jim, Jonathan and I were in Bismarck, the other boys decided to do a music video.  Andrew usually plays mandolin, but took up the upright bass and Peter is on guitar.  David was the camera man.  The title of the tune is "Angelina Baker."


Tracy said...

Very impressive! I do wish the camera man had shown a bit more of Andrew on bass than just his hands, *wink* but I realize the lead guitar was featured. They blend so beautifully together -- I listened to it several times!

How is Jonathan doing? Healing quickly?

Wendy said...

Most enjoyable! Your boys seem to work well together and play well together. I hope your family will be providing some of the musical entertainment at the homeschool convention this spring.
Happy New Year!
Wendy O'Neill